Friday, October 26, 2007

A Letter from an SO to his Loved One

Hello there! It's been a while since we've last saw each other. We're still in our pre-soloing stage that we are not allowed to go out on passes. I miss the way we get excited at the end of the day knowing that we'll see each other and have dinner together. Here, we don't even have enough time to enjoy our breakfast, lunch and dinner because we are not yet privileged to use bikes going to and from our quarters and the stagehouse. But it's okay... we enjoy the company of everyone while we're at it.

Love, live at the stagehouse is a mix of sugar and spice, of bitter and sweet memories. Our day starts at dawn before sunrise and ends way after the sun sets in the afternoon. Imagine that, it is still dark when we enter the stagehouse, and when we leave it, it's already dark! That's why I miss those times when we were walking together, hands holding each other under the sun. I miss the sun, love. and you know, before entering the Flying School, I loved looking at the stars at night. But now, all the stars I'm seeing are those stars generated from every offense we do here... big or small (one star amounts to ten pesos).

But not all things at the station is bad. Here, we learn how to fly planes. That's a reward in itself already. We read lots of books about aviation, aircraft systems and other interesting things. I just wish that they don't expect us to be like computers. We cannot process and recall that much information in one sitting.

I am looking forward to us seeing each other


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