Friday, October 26, 2007

A Letter from an SO to his Loved One

Hello there! It's been a while since we've last saw each other. We're still in our pre-soloing stage that we are not allowed to go out on passes. I miss the way we get excited at the end of the day knowing that we'll see each other and have dinner together. Here, we don't even have enough time to enjoy our breakfast, lunch and dinner because we are not yet privileged to use bikes going to and from our quarters and the stagehouse. But it's okay... we enjoy the company of everyone while we're at it.

Love, live at the stagehouse is a mix of sugar and spice, of bitter and sweet memories. Our day starts at dawn before sunrise and ends way after the sun sets in the afternoon. Imagine that, it is still dark when we enter the stagehouse, and when we leave it, it's already dark! That's why I miss those times when we were walking together, hands holding each other under the sun. I miss the sun, love. and you know, before entering the Flying School, I loved looking at the stars at night. But now, all the stars I'm seeing are those stars generated from every offense we do here... big or small (one star amounts to ten pesos).

But not all things at the station is bad. Here, we learn how to fly planes. That's a reward in itself already. We read lots of books about aviation, aircraft systems and other interesting things. I just wish that they don't expect us to be like computers. We cannot process and recall that much information in one sitting.

I am looking forward to us seeing each other

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Slow Flight

In our flight training, there is a maneuver we call "Slow Flight" wherein the airplane, known for its speed, travels through the air below its required cruising air speed limitations. To discuss this in technical terms would not only be boring, but it will be disinteresting and alien to the common ear.

However, I could explain this so-called Slow Flight maneuver in simpler terms.

Normally, the airplane, while flying maintains a straight and level "attitude" (meaning it is travelling horizontally through the air), with a corresponding "power" setting which pushes the plane forward. When you change the attitude or the power setting of the airplane, naturally it cannot maintain its straight path. Either it will ascend or descend, depending on where it's nose is pointing.

But in slow flight, adjusting your pitch attitude in the right position (which is pitching up), even if the power setting is below the required settings, the airplane can still maintain a straight and level flight.

Come to think of it... with the right "attitude", coupled with the right "power" setting, you can still perform feats beyond your limitations. Walking head high (like the high pitch up of the airplane) eventhough you're walking slow will still get you there.

As they always say... ATTITUDE + POWER = PERFORMANCE

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My First Flight

Who would think that a once happy-go-lucky guy like me can be here right now, learning how to fly planes? I wouldn't think of myself as like that neither. But here I am, wearing a white undershirt soaked in my own perspiration, under a blue flying suit still without patches (patches of the flying unit are placed after you have had your first solo flight), still feeling shocked about the fact that my flight didn't turned out the way I had expected it, but also feeling excited about what's in store for me as a pilot.

I am a mountaineer, also a scuba diver. By that, I can say to myself that I've already conquered land and sea... and I'm on my first steps in conquering the skies! It feels good to be up there, like experiencing the freedom of the birds. And I think everyone deserves a taste of the air up there.

*My first flight is for my polar bear :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by kadete
Every wannabe pilot's (military pilot for that matter) dream is to have a badge like this pinned on his left chest.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Death of a Comrade

The death of 2Lt Ariel Toledo of the Philippine Air Force is an event full of emotions and feelings. For one, I had mixed emotions of sorrow, regret, as well as happiness.

I could not remember a funeral I have attended that I cried. It does not mean I don't feel the sadness of losing my love ones, but I just don't want to dwell on the idea that I had lost someone... that's too selfish of me. Rather, I would like to think that all the sufferings that person is experiencing while he/she was living is finally over. I would like to think that that person doesn't want to see us crying for their "loss", rather I would like to remember those happy moments each and everyone experienced with that person. Hence, laughter not tears.

Anyway, the death of my 'mistah' made me rethink some things about life -- when it will cease, what's really important, how would other people remember me -- things like that. But most importantly, I thought how precious life's moments should be treasured, and every encounter with a friend, even with an enemy, should become a learning experience.

Ariel's journey is now over, ours' still continuing. Let us take Ariel's death not as a loss, but let us gain from it by living our lives to its fullest and appreciating each and every moment with each other.

I salute you, mistah.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by kadete
Maybe you would ask after a very long time of silence, here I am, posting a patch of some kind, here in my blog. It has been more than a year since I had the 'chance' to post something... at least a meaningful one... for everyone's consumption.

A lot has happened this year. For one, I have been a 'public servant' for more than 16 months now. Being one is not a joke... yes we are being paid by the taxes that every honest (not to mention those who are not) taxpayer pays, but the work we do, at least in principle, does not seem to balance well. Also, I have found someone who takes care of me and I also want to take care of all my life. The past 366 days had its ups and downs... but it was well worth it because I had the chance to understand and realized the feeling that most people call "Love".

So, this is the start of yet another phase in my life. Like the seal I posted here, it says "Philippine Air Force Flying School". Yes, I am now in Lipa... not in Quezon City nor La Union where I used to wake up every morning and eat breakfast with a lot of "muta" in my eyes. And Yes, I am currently a "Student Officer" (as what they call us here) in the PAFFS. We are here to learn how to fly planes, and we all expect that this will require a lot of hardwork and patience from us. And that, I intend to do... strive hard and be patient.

They say that entering Flying School is the junction/crossroad in being a military officer of the PAF. Eventhough I do not buy that idea, it seems to be true to a majority of officers here. Being a pilot is, of course, a privilege in the ladder to superiority. But being one doesn't ensure someone to be a good officer and a gentleman. It depends really on the person's values and good upbringing, which...

Brings me to one thought... Good upbringing of parents are crucial and very important to the development of our country as a whole. Hmmnn.... from PAFFS to good upbringing is a long shot, but hey... it does make sense, right?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Hello there! It seems that everytime I post something here it's like, "It's been a long time", or "Since my last post"... I am sorry I really haven't had the time to post entries regularly... but for your information, I am trying.

Anyway, a piece of my mind... I really, really envy those people who could just type away their thoughts on their blogs... First of all, I don't have the power of words to do that right now. Tapos, I am not ready "emotionally" to divulge that easily my true thoughts because of certain factors. I hope I was that strong like the others.